While working in Brazil I visited the Iracambi project in Minas Gerais. My first visit to Iracambi was some years back and since I had returned on different occasions. This time I spend a week on the property working with the founders, staff and volunteers to develop a visual profile of the Iracambi project. Iracambi have set themselves the target to create a space where farming and reforestation co-exist. One part of Iracambi is an NGO working with volunteers who come from around the world and do all kinds of work and research in the forest and streams. The reforestation project is an integral part of the property and over the years the Mata Atlantica, the Atlantic Rainforest, has successfully re-grown bringing along a great diversity of flora, fauna and much needed drinking water. Now that the first target is reached and the forest regrown on the property, Iracambi work with the local farmers, land owners and surrounding National Parks to encourage reforestation and create a migration belt allowing the Atlantic Rainforest to slowly stretch across the region, connecting from one property to the next. If you would like to learn more about the project please click on this link.